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Saturday, September 15, 2018

How to Install Wordpress ?

Today of our Generation is changing and the Technologies are booming in the Tech Industries
But there are few peoples who were intrested in  the Coding its means Programming knowledge  like
C ,C++ , Java , but in the Web-developing there are lots of web-technologies  are there like HTML, CSS , Java-script , Php , .Net etc ...

But dont Worry , you do not have to learn these Web-technologies because , Wordpress does not need any Coding stuff , you can create the beautiful website in the wordpress , it is easy to learn , easy to use and there are so may various plugins are there to enhance the websites , so lets us start how to install the wordpress.

Step :- 1 

Go to wordpress link --->https://wordpress.org/  and download the wordpress .

step 2:-

Then   after that download the zip from here and extract that .

step 3:- 

After extracting the wordpress zip folder , there is the wordpres folder generated copy that folder and paste it into the xampp folder in the htdocs , you will get the xammp in this link here

Step 4:-

GO  to the C: Drive and xaamp folder and enter to that folder 

Step 5:-

After that  go to Htdocs folder and simply paste the wordpress folder in it.

Step 6:-

After that  open  xammp software and Start the Apache , and Mysql server service ....!

Step 7:-

Then Go to your any browser and simply write the localhost, and click the PHPmyadmin Panel .

Then Create the database which name is Wordpress.

After that We move to wordpress installation by going localhost/wordpress  then press enter

After Installation Process You will be Redirected to the Wordpress Dashboard  Panel.

I hope that you will understand and have a good day..!!

1 on: "How to Install Wordpress ?"
  1. really its an awsome post see this website for moe information https://techbeasto.com
