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Saturday, September 22, 2018

What is Digital Marketing ?

So , What is Digital Marketing ?

Digital marketing is the top trending Technology to over the World , and it is not only in india but also in the whole world, so digital marketing is the technique to spread or Promote  our business in the Digital way via Internet and it has various of components  Like ,

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) 

3. SMM (Social media Marketing)

4. Email -Marketing 


6. Affilate Marketing

7. Mobile Marketing

8. Content Marketing

So , Theses are the Techniques of digital marketing and let us see them one by one.

1.SEO(Search engine optimization)


Seo is the technique to rank your website in the top of the google page , and it is done by SEO experts and its various Seo tools etc.

2. SEM (Search engine Marketing)

SEM(Search engine marketing is the alternate way to rank your website into the top of the google page but , it is a paid campagin by doing this technique we uses the paid tool to rank our page  like , Google Adwords, SEM rush , ahref , and other paid tools etc. 

3. SMM (Social media Marketing)

Social media marketing is the leading platform to promote our brand and business , because Today of generation there are 80% people uses internet and they  spend so much time to social media  Like  Facebook , Twitter ,  Instagram  Pinintrest , YouTube,  Linkedin , Tumblr , Whatsapp etc . So there is so easy way to promote our brand in the Social media Platform.

4. Email -Marketing

Email marketing is one of the technique to promote your business through the Email Campagin
and this is the very efficient way of manner to send their Bulk of Emails to the Subscriber or any other person by using the G-mail , G-suite , MailChimp , and many more etc.


Both of the working are same one is PPC and another is CPC , they both are performed as a cost per click and pay per click , which means when user click your advertisment then you got an money by google Adsense and there are a bid post to what amout of money you will  get its all aboutt CPC and PPC which is tottaly depend on the cost rate method

6. Affilate Marketing

The Affilate marketing is an very intersting technique to earn money by Amazon , Flipkart , Snapdeal and some other company etc. In this Affilate marketing , If you buy any products by the refrence of  the product link which is generated by any of the person  then who gave you to the reference link of product He/she   will get the money according to the product and its various percentage factors .and the peoples are earning too much in this feild ,

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